Faye Minty


Enliven Housing



“Enliven Housing is an industry-leading disability housing provider because we have a diverse group of passionate professionals who are the best at what they do and are united under a common mission – to provide the very best housing experience for Australians with disability. And it’s my honour to lead this special organisation.”

My family has a long history in the social services area, and being involved in doing something that supports others to live an ordinary life, was the most natural decision for me. I’ve always had an interest in housing and real estate and to combine this with my passion for human rights advocacy – I don’t think I could’ve picked a better field to work in than disability housing.

I have worked in the social housing sector for over 30 years and in disability housing for 20 of those years. I had my first role as a CEO when I was 37, which gave me the opportunity to work with a board of directors, all of whom had lived experience of disability. I truly consider myself lucky to have had the chance to have my attitude and approach to housing for people with disability shaped by these opinionated, strong-minded, empathetic and passionate people.

When I met Tino Carusi and we started Enliven Housing, our vision was to do all we can to create viable and long-term housing opportunities for people with disability. I’ll never forget the look of joy on the face of our first tenant when they moved into their new apartment, and all these years later, that feeling of satisfaction knowing we’re making a real difference is what continues to drive me and everyone here at Enliven Housing.

Career highlight:

Without doubt, my role as CEO of Enliven Housing.

Outside of work:

Travel, explore, spend time with my family and my friends and volunteer.

What super-power would you want?

Teleportation for sure. The thought of being anywhere in the blink of an eye would be amazing.


  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Land Economics)

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