Applying to live in your own Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) doesn’t have to be an overwhelming experience. You’ve probably heard that it might take time or that it could be a bit challenging. And while there’s no quick or simple way to speed up the process, we’re here to walk you through how to get SDA NDIS funding in three easy steps.
What is SDA Housing in NDIS?
Before we get to the process, let’s first explore what SDA is.
SDA refers to accommodation, such as apartments, villas, duplexes or houses, designed for people who need specialist housing solutions to support their extreme functional impairment or very high support needs. What this means is that the housing is built and designed with features to help you live more independently and comfortably.
For more detailed information, check out our SDA Housing Guide.
SDA is not the same as support or care services, it refers to the homes where services are delivered. For a home to be enrolled as an SDA with the NDIS, it must meet the SDA NDIS Design Standard.
What are the different types of SDA NDIS Design?
You may have different preferences and experiences that lead you to think about how and where you want to live. You may prefer to live alone near work or perhaps you want to live with housemates your age, with a partner or even with a pet. Also, your daily support needs will be an important part of this decision. The amount of NDIS funding you receive for your housing goals depends on your needs for the built environment. The NDIS classifies SDA into four categories:
Improved Liveability | This SDA design offers a reasonable level of physical access and enhancements, including: ● Luminance contrasts ● Improved accessibility or lines of sight |
Fully Accessible | Where the home has improved internal and external accessibility features, such as: ● Wheelchair accessibility for all doors and private areas ● Accessible kitchen bench, cooktop and key appliances (oven, microwave, dishwasher, washing machine, dryer) from both seated and standing positions ● Adjustable bathroom vanity and hand basin Power supply at doors and blinds for automation |
High Physical Support | It has all the features of the Fully Accessible category, with additional supports such as: ● Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) for a minimum of two-hour power outage ● Structural provisions for ceiling hoists ● Wider doors for all bedrooms ● Assistive Technology (AT) ready features |
Robust | Robust homes are built with durable materials to withstand heavy use and reduce risks. This includes: ● Additional soundproofing ● Secured windows, doors and external areas ● High-impact wall lining, fittings and fixtures ● Retreat areas for other residents and staff |
Are you Eligible for SDA NDIS Funding?
As an NDIS participant, you may be eligible for SDA. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIA) will assess your application based on three key criteria:
- Do you have an extreme functional impairment or very high support needs?
There are no set rules as every person is different. The NDIA will assess your ability to move, manage your health and well-being, complete daily tasks, organise your life and how you make decisions.
A person with very high support needs requires significant person-to-person assistance for activities, even with the use of AT or home modifications.
- Will living in SDA meet your needs?
NDIA will consider whether the SDA, together with all your other supports, help improve, maintain or prevent your functional capacity from getting worse. They’ll also consider if SDA would enable you to live with your family or community or help you work or study.
- Is SDA funding reasonable and necessary for you?
The NDIA will evaluate your goals and whether funding SDA is “value for money” compared to other disability-related supports. The NDIA will look at all the information they have when they decide what support you need.
Comparing it with other options can be tricky. The NDIA will compare scenarios such as living with family or by yourself in privately owned homes and other public housing options.
Steps to applying for SDA NDIS funding
The application process for SDA funding involves three steps:
Step 1: Talk to a Specialist
Consult a support coordinator or housing support coordinator who can help you understand the criteria and develop your housing goals. A strong support team can help organise everything and ensure your application is well-presented.
Step 2: Gather Evidence
Collect all necessary documents, such as recent reports from allied health professionals and letters that outline your daily support and housing needs. It’s important to have your housing support coordinator review these documents to ensure they meet NDIS requirements.
Step 3: Submit Your Application
Submit your documents to the NDIA by email, mail or in person. You may also want to complete the Supporting Evidence Form – Home and Living, which outlines your housing goals.
The Supporting Evidence Form is to let the NDIA know about your housing goal of living in SDA. This is whether you’re completing a change of details or situation form and want to change your NDIS Plan or you’re completing an internal review form for a review of a decision the NDIA has made.
When will I know if my SDA NDIS application is approved?
The NDIA has no set timeline, so it’s recommended to submit your application as soon as you can to get things started. If you have any questions, reach out to your support coordinator.
Sue’s SDA NDIS Journey
Sue, an Enliven Housing tenant, lived independently for over 35 years with NDIS home modification support. However, as her condition worsened, structural limitations in her home became life-restricting. With the help of her support coordinator, she applied for SDA NDIS funding and moved into an Enliven Housing SDA apartment.
“I was so fortunate that I could move in because my life has just changed. I’ve got space. Here, I have a life,” said Sue.
Although it can take patience and a lot of documents, submitting forms and waiting, you can tick off step one, by talking to a specialist housing support coordinator and make a start towards living in your own SDA.
How can Enliven Housing help you?
Enliven Housing is Australia’s most trusted SDA provider. We have SDA NDIS homes across Australia and when you contact us, we can provide information about current vacancies or upcoming projects. While we cannot offer advice about your support, we have a network of support coordinators who have successfully navigated the SDA process and can offer guidance.
If you hear from the NDIA and it’s not the result you hoped for, you can ask for an internal review. In certain cases, Enliven Housing may offer you a place in one of our SDA homes while you wait for an internal review outcome to come through. The NDIA will work towards completing all internal reviews starting the day after they receive your request.
Hopefully, this guide has been helpful to you. If you still have questions about how to apply for SDA NDIS housing, you can reach us by hitting the Call Us or Chat Now button below.